Who are Career Boss?

Founded in 2018, Career Boss is made up of a dedicated team of young professionals, supported by strong and experienced business leaders. We offer you the information and tools you need to achieve your dream career, all without charging you a penny. Our ethos is that everyone should be the boss of their own career, and to do that, they need information. We aim to breathe new life into the stale world of careers websites, and give people the chance to achieve their dreams. Each guide we produce is based on hours of expert research, and is available entirely for free, to ensure that anyone who wants to know the way into a career has the chance to do so.

Our Mission

At Career Boss, we want everyone to have the job they dream of having. We know we can’t give everyone individual training and assistance, but we can ensure everyone has the information they need, and we can make certain that this information is free. We don’t want you to feel that there are barriers preventing you from accessing your dream employment such as not knowing how to reach your goal. To this end, we are providing everyone with the tools to empower and assist themselves in achieving their dreams.

Our Team

Our dedicated team members are here because they believe in the power of education, access to information, and empowering others to achieve their own success. Made up of a core team of young professionals, supported by strong and experienced business leaders, we have all recently experienced the pain of job hunting, and know what it takes to reach your goals. If we can succeed, then you can too, and with the help of our guides, we hope you will find it far easier.


Tom Shurville


Tom founded a marketing firm in 2009, at the height of the worst recession in recent history, building it into a successful business. He is the founder of Career Boss, and brings his natural enthusiasm and leadership to all he does to lead and support the team.


Holly Barry

Outreach and Digital PR

Holly is a digital PR specialist, and has worked in digital public relations since 2016. She brings significant marketing experience, and ensures Career Boss maintains a clear direction, while building awareness of our hard work.


Tristan Reynolds

Front End Developer & SEO Strategist

Tristan entered the job market after finishing his A Levels in 2019, and is training as an SEO specialist. His recent experiences while job hunting helped him to decide to join the Career Boss team.


Sam Lees


Sam is a copywriter with strong writing experience, and he writes our guides. His experience as a university graduate in a competitive market taught him how vital a clear career direction can be, and he wants to help others achieve their goals.